More stimulation for your HipHopocampus, y’all…
After the Ulcer Rap, which was my first swipe at communing with my inner gangsta, a YouTube user suggested I do a song about STDs and pregnancy. Hence the genesis of Pull n’ Pray, after the colloquialism for coitus interruptus. For those out of the loop, this is a controversial birth control method wherein the male withdraws prior to climax in an attempt to prevent sperm from hi-fiving egg. Pull out, then pray that no one gets pregnant or diseased. Debatable as a birth control method, useless for sexually transmitted disease prevention, but fantastic as the hook for a song. Although the same YouTube user suggested the title “Wrap It or Slap It,” which was tempting…
Dr. Harry and I slaved away writing and recording this ditty in our limited free time, and we’re proud of how it turned out, being original work (like Check Tha’ Tissue) rather than a parody of someone else’s hard work. Plus, we got to eat a lot of BBQ and drink many beers during the writing, recording, and editing process. The wives, however, were left to fend off Child Protective Services — someone must have called the authorities when they overheard my toddler crooning “When you pull and praaaay” in Target.
Samix, our insane turntable maestro, was kind enough to let us use one of his fantastic beats for Pull & Pray. He’s worked with legitimate, successful rappers in the past, which makes it that much more absurd that he would agree to work with a couple of wankstas like us. After all, I did all the recording and mixing using Apple’s basic Garageband software (which I had never even double-clicked on prior to this). And all the video editing was done in iMovie. A professional production enterprise this ain’t, but we try to fake it.
I even bought some fancy ear-goggles and a mike with the panty-hose to protect it from spit and halitosis (see the video). How bad-ass is that? Ok, not very. But I sure felt like Jay Z for a second or two, and I’m positive Dr. Harry felt like Justin Beiber.
Don’t tell him I told you that.
For the video, our radiologist buddy from medical school Dr. Diego makes a repeat appearance, playing multiple roles: the protagonist, the chef with crabs, and the very sexy lady love interest. He also does much of the filming. Invaluable as always…no one can wear a dress with as much authority as him.
Tell him I told you that.
Pull & Pray – The Safe Sex Song
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