Believe it or not, these ARE frequently asked questions! See if yours is on the list.

No. I just play one on YouTube. Of course I’m a freaking doctor! UCSF medical school, Stanford for residency training in Internal Medicine, then 17 years as a practicing hospitalist. And STILL not good enough for my Indian parents…

Sure thing, Ace! Happy to give free medical advice over the internet to a complete stranger. What could possibly go wrong? Yeah, please don’t ask me for individual medical advice, this site is for informational purposes only; consult your own medical team. PS the answer is ALWAYS herpes.

Yes, but only if your organization doesn’t suck. Contact me here. You can also personally support the show and get dope exclusive benefits by joining our Supporter Tribe.

There’s a search bar on this very website, give it a spin! Chances are the answer is yes.

I can’t tell you what the Matrix is, Neo. I need to show you.

As much as I love you AND the legendary Bigfoot, I would be traveling every day of the year if I accepted the honor of every invitation like this. Mrs. DoggMD has laid down the smack, so I can only do travel engagements if I’m generating revenue for ZDoggMD Industries and making up for the time away from reaching more people through our show. Check here for to inquire about booking me!

Yup. But my parole officer says that I would still have to wear pants. Which defeats the ENTIRE PURPOSE of a tele-presentation IMHO. Inquire about virtual talks (which use my dope studio rig) here.

**shakes Magic 8 Ball** → SOURCES SAY ASK DR. PHIL