The Black Cloud. We all know one. Many of us ARE one. That most pitiable of healthcare workers, upon whom unspeakable horrors rain every time they so much as step foot on the unit.
But what if — just hear me out now — what IF that same Black Cloud found themselves suddenly in that rarest of contrary circumstances. Circumstances wherein the very fabric of spacetime and quantum probability collide with the illusory strands of human free will to produce a phenomenon so ephemeral that scientists have built entire careers hunting for it in terawatt particle collisions deep in the heart of helium-cooled supercolliders in European countries with unpronounceable prime ministers.
That’s right, folks. I’m talking about A Good Call Day.
What would happen if everything in healthcare JUST WENT RIGHT for once. Teams working together, helping each other. Patients take accountability in partnership with their medical team. Gratitude flowing like a chocolate fondue fountain at a mid-priced Vegas buffet.
A silent pager.
This video is an exploration of the impossible. Along with some serious gangsta s**t to boot.
Thanks to the boys from Journal Club App for taking part and helping us make a dope video. Check out the app, it summarizes the biggest clinical trials in medicine…so you don’t have to. It has made me look smart on more than one occasion. And THAT, like pimpin’, ain’t easy.
Folks from around the country joined us for this one, not just for the video shoot but to pitch in lyric ideals as well. All of us healthcare peeps working together for a cause? THAT’S a Good Day, son.
Lyrics by ZDoggMD and Dr. Harry.
Audio engineering by Devin Moore.
Video production by Variables of Light.
Parody of It Was A Good Day by Ice Cube.
Director: Tom Hinueber
DP: Logan Stewart
Naseem Benjelloun
Christine Estrada MD (JCHAO) and her daughter
Kim Peterson, RT
Kelly Straight, RN
An Saucedo, RN
Hide Shigemitsu, MD
Allison Andersen, NP
Waqas Khan MD of Healthcare Not Fair fame.
David Iberri, MD (in spirit)
Romsai Tony Boonyasai, MD
Tim Plante, MD
Emily Coderre
Manny Lam MD
John “McGonadawg”
Andrea “McGonadawg”
Adam Kassel
Ethan O’Donnell
Simon Lim
Michael Alexis and son
Lyric Submissions from Facebook:
Carol Hannibal “No OD’s, nobody in DT’s, everybody rated their pain in the 3’s”
Crystal Heishman Thorp “No naked drunks in the ER twerkin: had to check my pager still working?”
Sally Campbell Lee “I had to check my pager to see if it was still working–something has to rhyme with that”
Daniel Ouyang “Cause my foley runs deep. So deep. So deep, put his prostate to sleep.”
Just walking up to the unit gotta take call
I don’t know but today seems kinda off
No bleeding from the butt, no scut
And nurses threw a potluck with donuts
I got my notes done, but couldn’t log out
Tech support showed up and actually helped a Dogg out
No pages for Colace coming from the flo’
And Ortho took a patient on ECMO!
I caughta nap cause I got me the dope spot
And if I hit the switch, I can make the phone stop
Had to drop by tha’ med rounds
Sniffing in the air and not a single code brown
No c. diff on the gown
And all my patients agree that Dr. Oz is a clown
Rolled down ta ED and I’m askin’ yall
Which fools are y’all tryin’ ta pass along?
But no naked drunks twerkin’, had to check my pager twice just to see if it’s workin’
There was no ODs, no DTs, and everybody rates they pain in the 3’s
EMR went down nurse taking verbals, and no KUB showed a gerbil
Plus all cultures came back pan sensitive to Pen VK, today was a good day
Paged pharmacy with the query
Obscure med, still said it’s formulary
Cause just yesterday JCAHO tried to blast me
Saw the bounceback, but he rolled right past me
Keflexin’, wound clean and dry to a brother’s inspection, margins clear on frozen section
Hit employee health, and though I’m sprayed daily by TB
Still a neg PPD!
Send ‘em out, send em’ out, social work mission
Teaming with the PT and OT on disposition
Of bed 7, and bed 11, bed 27, case manager’s straight on a role
I picked up the cath flow
Hit the team room, cause I’m smellin’ Dominos
Plus that patient talkin’ smack at my nurses just left AMA
Today was a good day
Billin’ tryin’ to get paid
Won’t stress the codes cause ICD-10’s delayed
It’s ironic, nobody’s illnesses are chronic
The lasix pee is supersonic
I felt on the big fat foley
Bag full o’ gold pee, urine clear as Stoli
Cause my foley runs deep, so deep,
RT had to crank the PEEP
Talked a psych patient off the ledge
Radiology actually gave an answer with no hedge
Even saw the likes of some intern wimps
And they said, “ZDogg can PIMP.”
Chemo’s goin’, but no throwin’ up
Half way home, and my pager ain’t blowin’ up
Today I didn’t even have to use my PA
I gotta say it was a good day.
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