It’s the second episode of the only live show that’s clinically proven to make healthcare 3% DOPER than matched controls.

In this show we explore the story and teaching behind Turntable Health, a Downtown Las Vegas primary care experiment that incorporated many of the principles of Health 3.0. We’re building on our first episode where we discussed 3.0 in the abstract, saving the nitty gritty for this show right herrrrrrrre.

The opener is a Dark Side take on Goodwill Hunting that explores compassion toward healthcare professionals that, like all of us, make mistakes. Spoiler alert: EVEN 90% ROBOTS CAN CRY.

Enjoy and share! (and hit us with feedback, comments, and questions)

Thanks to Turntable Health veterans Nina Perales, LCSW and Melat Demeke for reminiscing and teaching!

Facebook Live stream with comments here: