Sometimes an idea pops up that is so stupid, so potentially fraught with people being offended and so on that IT SIMPLY MUST BE DONE. This is a behind-the-scenes story of just such an idea.

Also, another episode of Hot Mailz in which I open your mail LIVE(ish)!

This episode features:

  1. Jorge Muniz PA-C and his Medcomic book!
  2. Dr. Dale Coy and his book Morton’s Fork.
  3. Brian Kloss and Travis Bruce’s Toxicology in a Box.
  4. Dr. Alexander Langerman’s asbestos-ridden Spinal Tap homage.

Want me to open your s**t on a ZVlogg? Send it to:

ZDoggMD Industries c/o HOT MAILZ

1930 Village Center Circle #3-516

Las Vegas NV 89134