Blame Canada…
for being frickin’ awesome. A few months ago I had the pleasure of hosting Canada’s most famousest celebrity since Bryan Adams. No, I’m not talking Beiber, people. I’m talking Brian—Dr. Goldman, if you’re nasty.
The host of CBC Radio’s White Coat, Black Art was in town doing a piece on innovative healthcare models like Turntable Health and we had a little extra time in between Vegas exploits, so we sat down for an impromptu meeting of the mimes. It turns out he does an amazing “doc trapped in a box” routine but we’ll save that for a future video…
Discussed in this quick lowlight reel is hospital medicine versus emergency medicine (a universal archetypical/ancient conflict), Canadian contributions to pop culture, and obscure medical slang. Pretty awesome, eh?
So enjoy, and while you’re at it check out the Dr. Goldman’s White Coat/Black Art episodes featuring moi: Episode 1 (wherein I diss Dr. Oz), Episode 2 (a “prescription for BS”), and Episode 3 (about Vegas and Turntable Health).
And I believe it was Sting who crooned “If the Canadians love their children too.” After meeting Doc Goldman (AKA @NightshiftMD) I’m almost convinced they do. Thanks, Canada!
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