Maintenance of Certification (MOC) for doctors has gotten out of hand, creating an undue burden on caregivers without improving patient care.

The American Board of Medical Specialties’ own Vision Commission Report supports this assertion. And now ABMS is looking for public comment on the report. 

Please watch the video (at least the first 15 minutes) and PLEASE weigh in by clicking here.

We MUST lend our voices.

Dr. Paul Teirstein returns to discuss the ABMS report findings. Recall he did an amazing interview last year about MOC and how we as clinicians could improve the process through grassroots action. But nothing will change if we remain silent! 

Let’s stop feeling powerless and take our profession back, for the sake of our patients and for each other. And check out the cool CME site Paul mentioned during the show,!

Check out the original video here on Facebook and leave your comments and questions. Share this video with EVERYONE who cares about this.

If you’re running short on bandwidth and phone battery life, you can listen to the optimized audio-only podcast version here on iTunes and Soundcloud