It’s time to get hella woke, y’all.
We #TribeTeach about some of the latest frameworks for understanding human development and why we oughta be shooting for teal if we’re trying to get Health 3.0. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Integral Theory, and more. It’s the nerdiest show yet, and that’s saying something.
It’s also Episode 100 of Incident Report LIVE! Thank you, Z-Pac, for making this all possible.
Watch the Facebook LIVE video and leave your comments!
What Color Are You? (Thanks to Dr. Giri Venkatraman for this summary!)
Human Development is a very complicated subject and understanding of consciousness and self-awareness in the human schema of development is under constant study. Most of us are familiar with Maslow’s pyramid (1943) that describes our needs – physiologic (eating, breathing etc.), safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization.
Our understanding of this complicated subject has been undergoing more refinement. In 2010, McGregor et al. based on previous work designed a “spiral of colors” human consciousness construct with memes with mental coping capacities (see below table). There is some data on the Percentages of humans that fall into each category but remember humans who are “orange” may have elements of “blue” or “green”, or a “green” could regress to orange or blue in reaction to societal, personal or community events.
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