Episode II, The Clone Wards is a tension-filled journey into the heart of miscommunication and burnout in the hospital. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to…DUDE, where’s my lightsaber?


Episode I, the #pagermenace foreshadowed an epic conflict between archaic communications of the past and a coming future of secure, seamless, patient-centered and team-based technology. But the shadow of the overhead page loomed over all…

Episode III: Revenge of the Fax is the climactic conclusion to the saga wherein Doc Vader faces his greatest adversary yet…coming soon!

Thanks to Backline by DrFirst for helping make my childhood fantasy of starring in and producing a real Star Wars movie a reality. They’re focused on building solutions that help the entire healthcare team communicate easily, securely, and with nary a pager or fax machine in sight. Check it out at http://pagermenace.com!

Watch the original trailer here!



Written by ZDoggMD, Tom Hinueber, Dr. Harry, and Doc Quixote

Cinematography by Variables of Light.

Shot on location at our favorite local Las Vegas hospital.

Original music and sound engineering by Devin Moore and ZDoggMD

Directed by Tom Hinueber



ZDoggMD as Doc Vader and the voices of RT and the Stormtrooper Residents

Ethan O’Donnell as Rebel Scum Medical Student (AKA Bantha Beard) and plump Stormtrooper resident

Tom Hinueber as Stormtrooper Resident Clone TK421.



Chanston Bender

Logan Stewart

Tom Hinueber

Ethan O’Donnell