Emergency physician Dr. Jimmy Choi joins me to talk de-escalation and defensive tactics in health care.

Jimmy is a fascinating cat (former schoolteacher, club bouncer, and 1990’s MCAT student of mine) but his current passions are Emergency Medicine and self-defense. Since I’m in his ‘hood in the Bay Area we decided to talk about preventing violence against health workers and #silentnomore. Watch our Facebook Live video and lend your voice in the comments, and SHARE.

De-escalation and defensive tactics in healthcare (w/ Dr. Jimm…

Emergency doc Jimmy Choi MD joins us to talk de-escalation and defensive tactics in healthcare. #silentnomoreMy Occupational Defense http://myoccupationaldefense.com & http://selfdefenseforthepeople.com

Posted by ZDoggMD on Monday, July 24, 2017

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