A front-line critical care doc talks about why preserving quality of life AFTER an ICU stay matters…a LOT.
0:00 Intro
7:06 Importance of family in ICU care, especially with cultural/language issues
13:08 Testimonial injustice, the A2F Bundle, and a billionaire in the ICU
17:17 COVID & nurse burnout
20:13 Caring nonjudgmentally for patients regardless of their vaccine choices
24:56 The ethics of fetal stem cell lines in vaccine development (and some surprising truth)
28:30 Therapeutics analysis: ivermectin, JAK inhibitors, baricitinib
38:50 Allowing ourselves to feel with our patients, the importance of respecting faith paths
46:31 ICU delirium may damage higher cognitive systems and leave emotion intact (elephant and rider/system 1 and system 2)
54:19 The harm of excessive sedation and delirium as a predictor of death
58:53 PASC, Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID (AKA Long COVID)
01:03:48 Managing delirium and early mobilization in the ICU
01:09:37 Self-forgiveness, shame in medicine, and closing thoughts