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    Saving Healthcare, Waking Up & Radical Self-Acceptance (From Instagram LIVE)

    • calendar_today March 23rd, 2024

    We rap about Health 3.0, my advice to medical residents, collecting beliefs and MORE! Plus an unmasked cameo from the one and only Doc Vader 🔥 Originally streamed LIVE to Instagram.

    Full topic list:

    • Will I make more music videos?
    • What is health 3.0 and why waking up to our true nature is the only way to bring it about?
    • Advice for entering medical residents
    • What’s looking through your eyes?
    • Doc Vader’s psychedelic journey
    • What happens when we stop collecting beliefs?
    • The shame and identity loss when you leave clinical practice
    • How do we accept every single part of us, even the dark stuff?
    • My favorite books on awakening and realization
    • Awakening happens only in its right time

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